Secure Health Plan

OPA’s Secure Health Plan is a comprehensive all-in-one plan made to help protect you and your family from unforeseen medical conditions. This plan provides coverage for dental, healthcare expenses, out of country emergency medical, prescription drugs, and more.

Why Choose OPA Secure Health Plan?

Benefits at a Glance

OPA Secure Health Plans - Under Age 70

Monthly Premiums Rates* effective August 1, 2022


AgeMonthly Premium**
Under age 26 Single$68.99
Under age 26 Family$121.24
26-35 Single$85.50
26-35 Family$155.13
36-45 Single$92.21
36-45 Family$161.11
46-50 Single$105.09
46-50 Family$173.52
51-55 Single$103.02
51-55 FamilyS172.42
56-60 Single$102.28
56-60 Family$171.68
61-64 Single$98.00
61-64 Family$165.79
65-69 Single$69.99
65-69 Family$118.67


AgeMonthly Premium**
Under age 26 Single$129.63
Under age 26 Family$229.24
26-35 Single$162.52
26-35 Family$298.80
36-45 Single$176.32
36-45 Family$310.58
46-50 Single$201.45
46-50 Family$335.16
51-55 Single$198.17
51-55 Family$333.02
56-60 Single$197.92
56-60 Family$332.77
61-64 Single$187.85
61-64 Family$320.19
65-69 Single$157.41
65-69 Family$270.49


AgeMonthly Premium**
Under age 26 Single$161.86
Under age 26 Family$286.47
26-35 Single$203.50
26-35 Family$374.71
36-45 Single$220.86
36-45 Family$389.51
46-50 Single$252.63
46-50 Family$420.58
51-55 Single$248.57
51-55 FamilyS417.97
56-60 Single$248.48
56-60 Family$417.88
61-64 Single$235.52
61-64 Family$401.73
65-69 Single$196.53
65-69 Family$338.18

How to Apply:

  1. Complete Enrolment Form and Health and Lifestyle Questionnaire 
  2. Send your documents to [email protected]
  3. An OPA team member will respond to you within 2 business days

Frequently Asked Questions

The current under age 70 plan is terminating July 31st 2022. You will automatically be mapped into the new plan unless you contact the OPA to select another plan.

Advantage Plus – Bronze
Standard – Silver

Note: You have a one time opportunity to move to the Gold plan without requiring evidence of insurability.

If you are a current member you will be automatically mapped into the new plan as follows:

Advantage Plus – Bronze
Standard – Silver

Note: you have a one time opportunity to move to the Gold plan without proof of health.

The open enrollment period is July with coverage starting August 1st, 2022.

Yes, all maximums reset January 1st, 2023.

Your Health Care Spending Account can be used to cover amounts that are not paid for by the benefit plan, including out-of-pocket co-insurance amounts, items that exceed the benefit plan maximums as well as benefits that may not be included in the benefit option selected, but are considered an eligible expense under the CRA guidelines. To verify if an expense is eligible, visit the CRA website at

A Life Event is a change in your personal status resulting in the loss of your spouse’s coverage or a change in your coverage status. Life events can include marriage, divorce, birth/adoption of a child. You must report any life event within 31 days of your status change.

Deductibles already paid will be used to offset the out-of-pocket co-pay amount on the new plan.

Yes, the premium is reducing. The new rate table is posted on the OPA website.

Approved pre-determinations will automatically move into the new plan.

Both the Term Life and Critical Illness benefits are being moved into the stand alone Optional Life plan and Optional CI plan. All amounts are being grandfathered.

You will have 90 days, August 1st 2022 to October 31st 2022 in which to submit any eligible claims incurred in 2022 under the HCSA. Any unused portion can be carried forward to the subsequent calendar year.

You have 90 days, August 1st 2022 to October 31st, 2022 to submit any eligible claims incurred in 2022 under the old plan.

No, a member can move between plan options effective January 1st of each year. You must notify OPA by December 1st as medical underwriting will be required to move up. There are no requirements if a member wishes to move down.


Administered by Maximum Benefit &
Johnston Group


Underwritten by Desjardins Financial


Overseen by OPA