We are seeking presentation proposals for OPA’s 2021 conference. The conference will be held virtually on June 4 – 5, 2021.

All presentations should be a maximum of 1-hour in length (including audience interaction) and focus on the application of knowledge into practice, applying expanded scope, and include practical takeaways for the audience. Presentations which include the roles of other pharmacy team members are welcome.

Only proposals submitted through this survey before March 12 at 11:59 p.m. ET, 2021 will be considered.

Share your insight!

You have an opportunity to speak to hundreds of pharmacy professionals at OPA's annual conference.
Conference Audience
  • Pharmacists (community, primary care, hospital, academic, research, regulatory, military, and corporate)
  • Pharmacy technicians and assistants
  • Industry executives
  • Students and interns
Suggested Topics:

Although we have not yet determined the theme for the conference, we would like to include some of the topics listed below as they are currently popular points of discussion for the profession:

  • Team-based care or collaboration
  • Quality of care or services
  • Expanded scope of practice (e.g. minor ailments, point-of-care testing)
  • Immunizations or travel vaccines
  • Equity and inclusion topics
  • Mental health
  • Value-based care or uninsured services
  • Impact of COVID-19
  • Use of technology in practice
  • Innovation
We Are Also Open to Any Relevant Topics Below:
  • Managing patients through transitions of care
  • Chronic disease management
  • Infectious diseases
  • New guidelines or research
  • Information technology or artificial intelligence
  • Special populations (e.g. pediatric, geriatric, woman’s health)
  • Leadership
  • Quality improvement
  • Therapeutic nutrition
  • Medical cannabis
  • Opioid prescribing and dispensing
  • New or innovative services (e.g. niche service areas)
  • Human resource management
  • Financial management
  • Health and wellness of pharmacy professionals
  • Regulation/policy changes
Selection Process

Proposals will be reviewed in the order in which they are received. OPA will score and rank each proposal based on the ten criteria listed below. Proposals are graded with both a total score and a score for each criterion. Please note that these scores influence the next stage of selection, but will not be used exclusively to make final decisions on proposals.

  1. The topic is innovative, original, or creative
  2. The title is appropriate and clearly describes the session
  3. The program description clearly describes the session
  4. The learning objectives are clear and appropriate for the session
  5. The session is applicable and relevant to pharmacy practice
  6. The session is applicable to pharmacy technicians and assistants
  7. The session will enable participants to implement actions or think in new ways after attending the session
  8. The session’s format (i.e. interactive vs discussion) is appropriate for the topic
  9. The speaker has sufficient expertise to address the topic based on the speaker’s information provided
  10. The speaker has sufficient speaking experience

Speakers will hear back from OPA about the status of their application before March 19, 2021. Once confirmed, speakers will need to submit their presentations by April 23, 2021. For CCCEP accreditation purposes, OPA will review the presentations, and speakers may be asked to revise their presentations based on the review before May 7, 2021. All presentations must be finalized by May 18, 2021.

  1. The topic is innovative, original, or creative
  2. The title is appropriate and clearly describes the session
  3. The program description clearly describes the session
  4. The learning objectives are clear and appropriate for the session
  5. The session is applicable and relevant to pharmacy practice
  6. The session is applicable to pharmacy technicians and assistants
  7. The session will enable participants to implement actions or think in new ways after attending the session
  8. The session’s format (i.e. interactive vs discussion) is appropriate for the topic
  9. The speaker has sufficient expertise to address the topic based on the speaker’s information provided
  10. The speaker has sufficient speaking experience
Presenter Availability

Presenters must be available anytime on both June 4th and 5th. The session times for presenters will be finalized and communicated to the selected presenters in late April 2021.


Contact [email protected] with the heading: 2021 Conference.
